Le Couvreur, watercolor on Arches paper, 22x15" (56X38 cm.) I'm fascinated by working people. Men installing tiles on rooftops are courageous souls. The inspiration for this painting happened one day in Cauterets, my beautiful town in the French Pyrenees, on a day I missed the bus. I sat at the station waiting for the next bus, then I noticed the way light hit a man working on a nearby rooftop. I quickly took out my sketchbook. This watercolor was exhibited at the Exhibition International de l'Aquarelle, St. Marie de Campan, 2009, then at the Bibliotheque Municipal de Cauterets, France, 2009.
A mi me fascinan escenas de gente trabajando. Los hombres que instalan tejas en los techos son muy valientes. La inspiracion para esta pintura ocurrio en Cauterets, mi preciosa ciudad en los Pirineos franceses, un dia que perdi el omnibus. Me sente a esperar el proximo, y note la manera en que la luz le daba a hombres trabajando en un techo cercano. Rapidamente saque mi cuaderno de bosquejos. Esta acuarela fue exhibida en la Exposicion Internacional de Acuarelas en St. Marie de Campan, y en la Biblioteca Municipal de Cauterets, Francia, 2009.Another Japanese artist: NI ZAN (1301-13...?) considered the most important intellectual artist in Japan, due to his oeuvre and his life. Coming from a well-off family, Ni Zan spent the first part of his life between the library and his desk, where he painted, composed poems, and worked on calligraphy. His landscapes are spiritual, a graphique materialization of his interior life. Approaching 50, Ni Zan gave away all his personal possessions and adopted an errant's life liberating his spirit of all ties.
Otro artista japones: NI ZAN , considerado el artista intelectual mas importante en Japon, debido a su obra y su vida. Venia de una familia pudiente, Ni Zan paso la primera parte de su vida entre la biblioteca y su escritorio, donde pintaba, escribia poemas, y trabajaba en caligrafia. Sus paisajes son espirituales, una materializacion grafica de su vida interior. Al acercarce a los 50 anos, Ni Zan reglo todas sus posesiones materiales y adopto una vida errante, liberando su espiritu de ataduras materiales.