Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunset for Two

Sunset for Two, watercolor and acrylic, 15x22" (37x55 cm.)  and "La Alhambra II", have just been accepted for the San Diego Watercolor Society Juried show, juror: Jim Millard, NWS.  The opening reception is next Friday, March 4th, at the SDWS Gallery, from 5:00-8:00 pm. You are all invited!
Puesta de Sol para Dos, acuarela y acrilico,  y "La Alhambra II'', acaban de ser aceptadas en la exhibicion competitiva de la San Diego Watercolor Society, jurado: Jim Millard, NWS. La recepcion es el proximo viernes, 4 de marzo, de 5 a 8 de la tarde. Estan todos invitados!

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious." --Albert Einstein.
"Lo mas hermoso que podemos experimentar es lo misterioso." --Alberto Einstein

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Paris View

Paris View, watercolor, 12x5" (30x13 cm.) Walking and stopping to paint in Paris is one of my favorite activities in the world. Actually, walking and stopping to paint anywhere, I just enjoy it even more in Paris.
Caminar y detenerme a pintar en Paris es una de mis actividades favoritas. En realidad, caminar y detenerme a pintar en cualquier parte, aunque lo disfruto aun mas en Paris.

I heard on the radio: "Democracy is a process, not an outcome." And I say: Being an artist is a process, not an outcome. I feel successful in having painted almost a picture a day in the past year, in having learned a lot with that experience, and from my artist community. I am very thankful for the opportunity life offers me daily to continue growing and learning. Emile Zola said: "The artist is nothing without the gift. The gift is nothing without the work."
Escuche en la radio: "La democracia es un proceso, no un resultado." Y yo digo: Ser artista es un proceso, no un resultado. Yo me siento exitosa de haber pintado casi una pintura diaria en el pasado ano, en haber aprendido mucho con esa experiencia, y de mi comunidad artistica. Estoy muy agradecida por la oportunidad que la vida me ofrece a diario para continuar creciendo y aprendiendo. Emile Zola dijo: "El artista no es nada sin el talento. El talento no es nada sin el trabajo."

Friday, February 25, 2011

Winds of Childhood

Winds of Childhood, pastel on suede board, 16x20". I'm very lucky to have this and another painting accepted into the Pastel Society of San Diego Members Show. You are invited to see this and other paintings by wonderful pastel artists throughout the month of March. Opening reception is tomorrow Saturday, February 26th, from noon to 2:00 pm at the Allied Gardens Library, 5188 Zion Ave., San Diego, California.
Tengo la suerte de que esta pintura al pastel, y otra mas, fueron aceptadas en la exhibicion de la Sociedad de Pastel de San Diego. Estas invitada a ver esta y otras pinturas por artistas excelentes durante el mes de marzo. La recepcion de apertura es manana sabado 26 de febrero, de mediodia a las 2 de la tarde en la Biblioteca Allied Gardens, 5188 Zion Ave. San Diego, California.

"All drawings tell stories, but drawings of gathered people tell them most directly. Storytelling and people watching are obsessive human activities."  Sarah Simblet, in Sketchbook for the Artist.
"Todos los dijujos cuentan una historia, pero los dibujos de gente junta las cuentan mas directamente. Contar historias y observar a la gente son actividades humanas obsesivas." Sarah Simblet, en Sketchbook for the Artist.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

La Alhambra II

La Alhambra II, watercolor, 5x12" (12x30 cm.)  This is a view of the Alhambra, in Granada, Spain, from the Albaicin, the old jewish neighborhood across from La Alhambra, on the hill. The restaurants with the best views are there. You can take a bus from La Alhambra to the Albaicin. It's all so beautiful, no matter where you look. Granada is the city with water fountains all over downtown, and has La Alhambra! Granada is a must to any visit to Spain.
La Alhambra II, acuarela. Esta es la vista de la Alhambra, en Granada, Espana, desde el Albaicin, el viejo barrio judio, en la colina del otro lado de la Alhambra. Los restaurantes con la mejor vista estan alli. Puedes tomar un bus desde la Alhambra al Albaicin. Es todo tan bello, que no importa para donde mires. Granada es la ciudad con inmensas fuentes de agua por todo el centro, y luego...tiene La Alhambra! Granada es obligatoria a cualquier visita a Espana.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Amore Toscano

Amore Toscano, watercolor, 22x30" (55x75 cm.), 2007.

This Italian countryside scene came to mind today, while reading Barbara Kingsolver's ANIMAL, VEGETAL, MIRACLE. I've always admired Ms. Kingsolver's elegance, deep knowledge of her subjects, and heart. Her heart is in her writing, She cares. The book is a marvelous story, scientific, funny, the right mixture of her daughter's recipes, her husband's statistics and serious analysis, and her incredible skill at putting it all together. Think globally, and act locally. Eating healthier is better for our personal health, and our future.
Esta escena de la campina italiana vino a mi mente hoy, mientras leia "Animal, Vegetal, Milagro", por Barbara Kingsolver. Siempre he admirado la elegancia de su prosa, su conocimiento profundo de su sujeto, y su corazon. Ella pone su corazon en lo que escribe. Este libro es una historia maravillosa, scientifica, divertida, con la mexcla perfecta de recetas de su hija, mas un analisis serio con estudio de estadisticas escrito por su esposo, y toda la habilidad increible de Barbara Kingsolver de ponerlo todo junto. Piensa globalmente, y actua localmente. Comer mas saludable es mejor para nuestra salud personal, y para nuestro futuro.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Rachel, charcoal and pastel pencils on 18x24" (45x60cm.) Rough Sketch paper.

Today Saturday, February 19th, is the Opening Reception in New York, at the Brooklyn Art Library, for the show of my sketchbook, and a couple of thousand other sketchbooks, all part of the Sketchbook Project 2011. If you hurry up, you might be able to make it, the address is 103A North 3rd St., Brooklyn, New York. How exciting! Meanwhile,  I'm in California, sick in bed with the flue. This project will be traveling the US with exhibitions and receptions in different states. If you couldn't catch this one, like me, maybe you can attend the next one in March, in Texas.
Hoy Sabado 19 de febrero, es la Recepcion en New York, en la Biblioteca de Arte de Brooklyn, para el show de mi cuaderno de dibujos y unos dos mil cuadernos mas, todos parte del Sketchbook Project 2011. Si te apuras, quizas llegues a tiempo, la direccion es 103A 3ra Calle Norte, Brooklyn, New York. Que divertido! Mientras tanto, yo estoy en California, enferma en la cama con gripe. Este proyecto viajara por varios estados de los EE.UU. con exhibiciones y recepciones en cada uno. Si no has podido alcanzar este, como yo, quizas puedas asistir al proximo en marzo, en Texas.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rachel II- 5 min. pose

Rachel II - 5 min. pose, charcoal, red and white pastel.

I've read in LES 200 PLUS BEAU DESSINS DU MONDE (The 200 most beautiful drawings in the world) by Jean-Luc Chahumeau, (translation mine): " The drawing grasps the present better than any other  form of expression. It's the drawing that delivers the artist from all the heaviness around her/him. ... It's us, the painters, the real heirs, we who continue painting. We are the heirs of Rembrandt, Velasquez, Cezanne, Matisse" and I add Rosalba Carriera, Elizabeth Vigee-Le Brun, Mary Cassatt, Georgia O'Keefe. "A painter always has a father and a mother, we are not born orphans..."
He leido en Los 200 dibujos mas hermosos del mundo, autor Jean-Luc Chahumeau: "El dibujo representa el presente mejor que ninguna otra forma de expresion. Es el dibujo lo que alivia al artista de la pesadez a su alrededor. Somos nosotras, las pintoras/pintores las verdaderas herederas, las que continuamos dibujando/pintando..... Somos las herederas de Rembrandt, Velasquez, Cezanne, Matisse" y yo agrego: Rosalba Carriera, Elizabeth Vigee-Le Brun, Mary Cassatt, Georgia O'Keefe. "Una pintora siempre tiene un padre y una madre, no somos huerfanas..."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go

Alll Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go, another sketch of a few minutes I just found, probably from the same day, among my 2009 papers.

From the same book I mentioned in the previous Blog: Exploring the In/Visible, by Krystyna Wasserman, I'd like to point out the sketchbooks of Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg, from 1901-1907, illuminating the adventures of two young English women, herself, and "Ena" (Victoria Eugenie) the future wife of King Alfonso XIII of Spain. The princes was 17 years old when she began the sketchbook, one hundred years later, her drawings are still amusing!
Del mismo libro que mencione en mi Blog anterior: Explorando lo In/visible, de Krystyna Wasserman, me gustaria comentar sobre los dibujos de la Princesa Beatrice de Saxe-Coburg, de 1901-1907, dibujando las aventuras de dos jovenes mujeres inglesas, ella misma, y "Ena" (Victoria Eugenia) la futura esposa del Rey alfonso XIII de Espana. La princesa tenia 17 anos cuando comenzo su cuaderno de dibujos, y cien anos mas tarde, sus dibujos todavia son entretenidos!

To Be or Not to Be

To Be or Not to Be, 10 min. pastel sketch. I just found it among my papers, it is from 2009.
Este es un bosquejo en pastel que acabo de encontrar entre mis papeles del 2009.

The National Museum of Women in the Arts, in Washington D.C., has published Exploring the In/Visible, by Krystyna Wasserman. I've just had the pleasure of reading it and admiring the sketches of 14 women artists spanning over 200 years, from Elisabeth Vigee-Le Brun to the Argentinian Natalia Blanch. It's a beautiful small book. Since I am a sketchbook artist, too, I identify  with their ideas and comments. For example, Elizabeth Ockwell, says: "Everything is acceptable and nothing is a mistake. Sketchbooks are a place to experiment and a private place to enjoy drawing." Go sketch!
El Museo Nacional de Mujeres en las Artes, en Washington D.C. ha publicado Explorando lo In/Visible, por Krystyna Wasserman. Acabo de tener el placer de leerlo y admirar los dibujos de 14 mujeres artistas durante mas de 200 anos, desde Elisabeth Vigee-Le Brun a la argentina Natalia Blanch. Es una bellisimo pequeno libro. Puesto que yo tambien mantengo cuadernos de dibujos, me he identificado con sus ideas y comentarios. Por ejemplo, Elizabeth Ockwell, dice: "Todo es aceptable y nada es un error. Los cuadernos de dibujos son un lugar para experimentar y un lugar privado para disfrutar de dibujar." Vete a dibujar!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Senegalaise `a l'Orange

Senegalaise `a l'Orange, oil on canvas, 20x16" (50x40 cm.) I've painted this oil this week, based on sketches and photographs I took in Dakar, Senegal, when I was there in 2009. This woman was one of the vendors at an open air market in Dakar.
Este oleo que pinte esta semana, esta basado en bosquejos y fotografias que tome en Dakar, Senegal, cuando estuve alli in el 2009. Esta mujer era una de las vendedoras en el mercado al aire libre en Dakar.

The official language is French. Other languages like Wolof, Pulaar, Jola, and Mandinka are also spoken. The modern port of Dakar lies in one of the world's most strategic locations, since it is the most westerly point in Africa, and oversees the shipping lanes between Western Europe and Brazil or South Africa. Their most important ethnic groups are the Wolof and the Fulani, who account for about 70 percent of today's population.
El idioma oficial es frances. Otros idiomas como el Wolof, Pulaar, Jola y Mandinka tambien son populares. El puerto de Dakar es moderno, y ubicado en una de las posiciones mas estrategicas del mundo, pues esta en el punto mas oeste del continente africano, pudiendo vigilar el transporte maritimo entre Europa Occidental y Brazil o Africa del Sur. Sus grupos etnicos mas importantes son los Wolof y los Fulani, que comprenden el 70% de la poblacion de hoy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Casablanca Girls

Casablanca Girls, oil on canvas, 12x24" (30x60 cm.). This oil is one of a series of African women I'm working on these days, based on sketches and photographs I took on my last trip along the African coast in the Fall of 2009. More to come...
Este oleo es uno de la serie de mujeres africanas en las que estoy trabajando en estos dias, basandome en bosquejos y fotografias que tome en mi ultimo viaje a lo largo de la costa africana, en el otono de 2009. Pronto habra mas....

I've recently visited the San Diego Museum of Art. They have a wonderful exhibit called "Dreams and Diversions" of  Japanese woodblock prints. The SDMA has received the donation of more than 400 Japanese woodblock prints, dating from the 1670s to the 1930s. They are so many that they will be exhibited on a rotating basis!
Hace unos dias visite el Museo de Arte de San Diego. Tienen una exhibicion exquisita llamada "Suenos y Diversiones", de pinturas japonesas impresas en bloques de madera. El MASD ha recibido la donacion de mas 400 impresiones japonesas, fechadas desde 1670 hasta los 1930. Son tantas, que  estan siendo expuestas en un sistema de rotacion!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Health Care

Health Care, watercolor, 11x14" (27x35cm.) has also been accepted as "Meritorious Entry" to the Richson 75 International Still Life and Abstract Competition 2011.

When opportunity knocks: I was reading the biography of Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) by Ivonne Deslandres, and learned a few interesting facts: His mother married Charles Delacroix, who was 17 years older than her, left for the Netherlands with a government position, where he had a tumor, was operated on, and died in 1805.  Meanwhile at home in Paris, Talleyrand  succeeded Charles Delacroix as Minister of Foreign Relations in 1797, and lived in the same building, was much younger, healthy and energetic than the young painter's father. Eugene was born in 1798.  In 1822, when Eugene Delacroix was only 24 years old and an art student, the State of France bought a painting  for 1200 francs (year 1822) and soon after another one for 6000 francs. Apparently, Talleyrand had a say in paintings bought by the State. There was gossip at the time that Talleyrand was actually his father. These purchases by the  State put Delacroix in an early road to fame.
Cuando la oportunidad llama a la puerta: Estaba leyendo la biografia de Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) por Ivonne Deslandres, y aprendi algunos hechos interesantes: Su madre se caso con Charles Delacroix, 17 anos mayor que ella, quien partio para los Paises Bajos con un cargo del gobierno, donde luego tuvo un tumor, lo operaron, y finalmente murio en 1805. Mientras tanto en casa, en Paris, Talleyrand habia sido nombrado en el antiguo cargo de Charles, como Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores en 1797, y vivia en el mismo edificio, era mucho mas joven y saludable que el padre de nuestro pintor. Eugene nacio en 1798. En 1822, cuando el joven Eugene Delacroix tenia solo 24 anos y era estudiante de arte, el Estado de Francia compro una de sus pinturas por 1200 francos (1822) y luego otra por 6000 francos. Aparentemente, Talleyrand tenia opinion y poder sobre las pinturas compradas por el Estado. Hubo rumores en su epoca que Talleyrand era el padre verdadero de Eugene. Estas compras por el Estado lo pusieron a Delacroix en su temprano camino a la fama.

La Boca

La Boca, mixed media of watercolor, acrylic, and collage, 15x22" (37x55 cm.) has been accepted as "Meritorious Entry" in the Richeson 75 International Still Life and Abstract Competition 2011.
Esta pintura ha sido aceptada como "Meritoria" en la competicion Richeson 75 Internacional de Bodegon y Abstracto 2011.

I've just finished reading Drawing and Coloring for your life, by Julia Nichols and Avis Garrett, PhD, with illustrations by Elizabeth "Grandma" Layton. The writing is based on Elizabeth Layton's drawings and beliefs. One of these was that contour drawing is "the magic prescription to health". She had never drawn in her life, and started drawing at age 67! She represented feelings like fear, hope, guilt, and learning to like ourselves in her simple, beautiful line drawings.
Acabo de terminar de leer Dibujar y Colorear para salvar tu vida, basado en dibujos y principios de Elizabeth Layton. Ella creia que dibujar con simples lineas era la "prescripcion magica para la salud". Nunca habia dibujado en su vida, y comenzo a hacerlo a los 67 anos! Representaba sentimientos de miedo, esperanza, culpa, y aprender a gustarse a uno mismo, en sus dibujos de contorno simples. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Solitude, watercolor, 6x9" has been accepted for exhibition at the San Diego Watercolor Society Gallery February show, in Liberty Station, San Diego, California. The reception is Friday, February 4th, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. I hope to see you there!
Solitude, acuarela de 15x22 cm., ha sido aceptada para la exposicion de febrero en la Galeria de la San Diego Watercolor Society, en Liberty Station, San Diego, California. La recepcion es el viernes 4 de febrero de 5:00 a 8:00 de la tarde. Espero verlos alli!

Sketchbook: My Three Lives, Part III, page 39

Sketchbook Project: page 39 acrylic.
I have been blessed with wonderful people who have come into my life and have left footprints on my heart that have helped me grow. I am thankful to them and to you for reading this. I hope my life and ideas have in some way encouraged, inspired, or motivated you to respect who you are and to express what you want to say. Let your spirit flow....
He sido bendecida con gente maravillosa que han venido a mi vida y han dejado huellas en mi corazon que me han ayudado a crecer. Les agradezco a ellos, y a ti por leer esto. Espero que mi vida y mis ideas de alguna manera te hayan dado valor, inspiracion, o motivacion para que respetes quien eres y expreses lo que quieres decir. Deja que tu espiritu fluya...
I can't believe I did it! 365 entries in 365 days! I'm a year older than when I started.
No puedo creer que lo logre! 365 entradas en 365 dias! Tengo un ano mas que cuando empeze.