Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Secret Life of Women - Lucrezia

The Secret Life of Women, solo show at THE CLUBHOUSE, 4625 Kantor, San Diego, California, on Saturday, April 2nd, Reception 10-12noon.
Lucrezia, oil on canvas, 24x20" (60x50cm.) is one of the oil paintings I will show at THE CLUBHOUSE on Saturday. You're invited to the reception, sponsored by Town Park Villas/La Jolla del Rey.
Lucrezia, oleo sobre tela, es una de las pinturas que exhibire en THE CLUBHOUSE el sabado 2 de abril. Estan invitados a la recepcion, de 10 a 12 de la manana, generosamente provista por Town Park Villas/La Jolla del Rey.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Secret Life of Women- First Love

THE SECRET LIFE OF WOMEN, coming up solo show at The Clubhouse, La Jolla Del Rey, 4625 Kantor Street, San Diego, California. Reception Saturday, April 2nd, 10:00am to 12:00 noon.
LA VIDA SECRETA DE LA MUJER, exhibicion en The Clubhouse, en San Diego, California. Recepcion el sabado 2 de abril de 10 a 12 de la manana. 
First Love, watercolor, 11x8" (27x20 cm.) is one of 21 paintings to be shown. Come for the Art, stay for the wine!
Primer Amor, acuarela, es una de las 21 pinturas que se veran en la exposicion. Vengan por el Arte, quedense por el vino!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Along the Roads of France

Along the Roads of France, watercolor, 5x7" (12x17cm.) has been accepted at the San Diego Watercolor Society Juried Exhibition of April 2011, Juror: Keiko Tanabe. I painted this watercolor plain-air and alla prima, in France. The Reception is this Friday, April 1st, at the SDWS gallery, Liberty Station, San Diego, California, from 5 to 8 pm. You are all invited! Hope to see you there!
Esta acuarela ha sido aceptada para exhibicion en la San Diego Watercolor Society, por la jueza: Keiko Tanabe. Pinte esta acuarela "plein-air" y "alla prima", en Francia. La Recepcion es este viernes, 1ro. de abril, en Liberty Station, San Diego, California, de 5 a 8 de la noche. Estan todos invitados! Espero verlos alli!

Sofonisba Anguissola (1532-1625) as I was saying yesterday in my previous Blog, worked as  painter for the Duque de Alba in Milan in 1558, who recommended her to Felipe II, king of Spain. The following year she moved to Madrid as court painter for the King of Spain. The previous year, the Flemish Catarina van Hennessen had been in Madrid as painter for Maria de Hungria (Charles V's sister). Later, Sofonisba married Francisco de Moncada, Vice-Roy of Sicily, and lived several years in Italy. Her life continues with more voyages, love adventures, and painting, till she died at 93, always receiving honors from the intellectual community of her times.
Sofonisba Anguissola, como estaba diciendo ayer en mi Blog anterior, trabajo como pintora para el Duque de Alba en Milan en 1558, quien la recomendo al Rey de Espana, Felipe II. Al ano siguiente se mudo a Madrid com pintora de la corte del Rey de Espana. El ano anterior, la Belga Catarina van Hennessen habia sido invitada a Madrid como la pintora para Maria de Hungria (hermana de Carlos I de Espana). Mas tarde, Sofonisba se caso con Francisco de Moncada, Viz-Rey de Sicilia, y vivio varios anos en Italia. Su vida continua con mas viajes, aventuras amorosas, y pintura, hasta que murio a los 93 anos, siempre recibiendo honores de la comunidad intelectual de su epoca.  

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tango Callejero

Tango Callejero, watercolor, 30x22" (75x55cm.) has just been accepted at the San Diego Watercolor Society for the April Juried Show. You are invited to the Reception: Friday, April 1st, 5:00-8:00pm. Come for the Art, stay for the Wine!!!
Esta acuarela acaba de ser aceptada por el jurado para la exhibicion de la San Diego Watercolor Society de abril. Estan invitados a la Recepcion: viernes 1 de abril "a las cinco de la tarde". Vengan por el Arte, quedense por el Vino!

How many women artists do you know? Did you know that Clara Peeters (1590-1650) painted and sold her paintings in Holland? Have you heard of Giovanna Garzoni (1600-1670)? And Judith Leyster (1609-1660)? How about the famous Sofonisba Anguissola? Sofonisba was born in 1532, had 5 sisters, all six of them highly educated, writers and painters. Sofonisba went to Rome at 22, where she met and worked with MichelAngelo. In 1558 moved to Milan, already quite famous, to paint for the Duque de Alba. More on Sofonisba tomorrow...
Cuantas artistas mujeres conoces? Sabias que Clara Peeters pintaba y vendia sus pinturas en Holanda en el siglo XVII? Has oido de Giovanna Garzoni? Y que tal de Judith Leyster? Has oido de la famosa Sofonisba Anguissola? Sofonisba nacio en 1532, tenia 5 hermanas, y todas ellas eran altamente educadas, escritoras y pintoras. Sofonisba fue a Roma a los 22 anos, donde conocio y trabajo con MichelAngelo. En 1558 se fue a Milan, ya bastante famosa, donde pinto para el Duque de Alba. Mas sobre Sofonisba manana....

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Natalie, watercolor, 16x12" (40x30cm.) painted in 2006, when my grand-daughter Natalie was 4 years old. This painting was accepted at the Juried exhibition of the San Diego Watercolor Society in March 2006.
"Natalie", acuarela pintada en el 2006, cuando mi nieta tenia 4 anos, fue aceptada para la exhibcion de la San Diego Watercolor Society en marzo del 2006.

TWO INVITATIONS: You are invited at the exhibition of the Pastel Society of San Diego in Balboa Park. Gallery 21, in the Spanish Village Art Center, you can see a wonderful collection of pastel paintings. I have two paintings there: "Kazak Mother", and "Impression, Marbella", both have been published in this Blog already, you can find them easily. I'm also inviting you to a solo show I will have next Saturday, April 2nd, at the Clubhouse, La Jolla del Rey, Kantor and Governor Streets, San Diego, CA 92122. Reception is from 10:00am to Noon: "The Secret Life of Women".
DOS INVITACIONES: Estan invitados a la exhibicion de la San Diego Pastel Society en el Balboa Park, Gallery 21, en el Spanish Village Art Center, donde pueden ver una hermosa coleccion de pasteles. Yo tengo dos pinturas alli: "Kazak Mother", e "Impresion, Marbella", ambas han sido publicadas aqui en este Blog. Tambien los invito a mi  solo show el proximo sabado 2 de abril, en la Clubhouse, La Jolla del Rey, esquina de Kantor y Governor, San Diego, CA 92122. La recepcion sera de 10:00 a 12:00 de la manana: "La Vida Secreta de la Mujer".

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Impression, Marbella

Impression, Marbella, pastel, 16x20" (40x50 cm.) Marbella is an elegant and expensive beach on the South of Spain. In downtown Marbella, on the main "plaza", there are about 8 or 10 original sculptures by Salvador Dali, on a white marble walkway, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.
Marbella es una playa cara y elegante en el sur de Espana. En el centro, hay una esplanada de marmol blanca con unas 8 a 10 esculturas de Dali, y la vista del Mar Mediterraneo al fondo.

When Salvador Dali was a student in Madrid, in the 1920s, he met the poet Federico Garcia Lorca, and the friendship that developed between them explored modern life, and the new directions of art. They developed a "secret language" to criticize the art and artists they did not like, or they thought were too "stiff and academic, or traditional". They called this type of work "rotten art".
Cuando Salvador Dali era estudiante en Madrid en los anos 20, encontro y se hizo amigo del poeta Federico Garcia Lorca, y la amistad que se desarrollo entre ellos exploraba la vida moderna y las nuevas direcciones del arte. Ellos desarrollaron un codigo secreto para criticar el arte y los artistas que a ellos no les gustaban, o que ellos creian demasiado "anticuados, rigidos y academicos". Les llamaban "los putrefactos".

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Wendy, pastel, 20x16" (50x40cm.) painted alla prima, with the beautiful model in front of me, in San Diego, California, about two weeks ago.
Pintado "alla prima" (de una sola vez), con la hermosa modelo al frente mio, en San Diego, California, hace unas dos semanas aproximadamente.

Some time ago I attended a lecture by John Salminen on "The perils of being predictable". He said: "Predictability becomes boring!" He suggests your painting should be 80%-20% anything! Never should it be 50%-50% of anything! There must be a dominance. He likes SHAPE to have a life of its own. As I write this, I'm studying my own painting, and I don't think it fulfills all of John Salminen requirements. Too bad!
Hace un tiempo asisti a una charla de John Salminen sobre" Los peligros de ser predecible. El dijo: "Saber el final es aburrido." El sugirio que nuestras pinturas deben ser 80%-20% de todo! Nunca un 50%-50% de nada. Debe haber dominio de algo en vez de su opuesto. A el le gusta que las FORMAS tengan vida propia. Mientras escribo esto, estoy estudiando mi propia pintura aqui arriba, y no creo que llene todos los requisitos de John Salminen. Que lastima!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Summertime, pastel, 20x16" (50x40 cm.) I started this pastel at my demonstration at the United Society of Pastel Artists in Lake Forest, California, last week. I finished it later at home.
Comenze este pastel en mi demostracion en la Sociedad de Pastelistas en Lake Forest, California, la semana pasada. La termine luego en casa.

Edna Wagner Piersol, in her book: LIVING BY YOUR BRUSH ALONE gives the following advice: "Ignore fear. Your worst enemy is yourself. Being an artist is 90% hard work, and 10% talent. When you create your own art, there is no competition. Most of the greats in art history had to start from nowhere, too."
Edna Piersol, en su libro: "Viviendo Solo de Tus Pinceles" da los consejos siguientes: "Ignora el miedo. Tu peor enemigo eres tu misma. Ser artista es 90% trabajo duro, y 10% talento. Cuando creas tu propio arte, no hay competicion. La mayoria de los grandes artistas de la historia tuvieron que comenzar desde abajo, tambien."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Three Lives

This painting of the Pyrenees' "pic noir" is on the back cover of : My Three Lives: in Argentina, USA and France, the story of my life in watercolor and acrylic paintings, with comments. The book is now available in XLibris online bookstore following this link:  and in a few weeks it will also be available through and I have just received my hard-cover and soft-cover author's copies and I am pleased with the printing.
Esta pintura del "pic noir" de los Pirineos esta en la tapa de atras de mi libro (Mis tres vidas: en Argentina, USA y Francia) la historia de mi vida en pinturas en acuarela y acrilico, con comentarios. El libro esta ahora disponible en la libreria online de Xlibris siguiendo este link:
y en unas pocas semanas tambien estara disponible en y Barnesand Acabo de recibir mis copias de autora en tapa dura y tapa blanda, y estoy contenta con el resultado.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kazak Mother

Kazak Mother, pastel, 20x16" (50x40 cm.) was first exhibited in the San Clemente Art Gallery, California, where it won a Second Place Award in Figure/Portrait, in 2008. Then it was accepted for the Chicago National Pastel exhibition at the Koehnline Museum of Art,  Illinois, in 2009. Due to my traveling, I've had it in storage for two years. Now it will be exhibited at the Balboa Park Spanish Village Art Center, Gallery 21, in San Diego, California, from March 25th to April 4th. Reception is on March 25th, from 6:00-8:00pm. Hope to see you all there!
Kazak Mother, pintura en pastel, fue exhibida por primera vez en San Clemente Art Gallery, California, donde gano el Premio Segundo Lugar en Figura/Retrato, en el 2008. Luego fue aceptada en la exposicion Nacional de Pastel de Chicago, en el Koehnline Museum of Art, en Illinois en el 2009. Debido a mis viajes, la he tenido guardada durante dos anos. Ahora sera exhibida en el Balboa Park Spanish Village Art Center, Gallery 21, en San Diego, California, del 25 de marzo al 4 de abril. La recepcion es el 25 de marzo, de 6:00 a 8:00 de la tarde. Espero verlos alli!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Grandma's Joy

Grandma's Joy, pastel, 10x8" (30x20 cm.) This painting was voted "Best Portrait" at the San Diego Portrait Sociey meeting last week, on March 10th. La Alegria de la Abuela, fue votado "mejor retrato" en la reunion de la Sociedad de Retratos de San Diego, el 10 de marzo, la semana pasada.

I recently attended a lecture about Georgia O'Keeffe's Abstractions. When she was studying art, at the beginning of the 20th century, the custom was to copy from the Masters and from molds. Her teacher Arthur Wesley Dow, who had studied in Paris, taught her "not to copy nature", but to create her own harmonious design. He was a pioneer in the USA in teaching the design of nature. It was the time of the Art Nouveau/Modernism, which took hold strongly in America, and greatly influenced Georgia O'Keeffe.
Hace poco asisti a una conferencia sobre las Abstracciones de Georgia O'Keeffe. Cuando ella estudiaba arte al principio del siglo XX, era la costumbre de copiar de los Maestros y de moldes. Su maestro Arthur Wesley Dow, quien habia estudiado en Paris, le enseno a "no copiar la naturaleza", sino a crear su propio diseno armonioso. El fue un pionero en USA en ensenar los disenos de la naturaleza. En esa epoca el Modernismo/Art Nouveau habia tomado fuerza en USA e influencio mucho a Georgia O'Keeffe.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mirror, Mirror Two

Mirror, Mirror Two, pastel, 20x16" (50x40 cm.)

I had promised you could buy my book. I published the information too early, and the system was not completely set up yet. Now it is: you can order the book MY THREE LIVES: in Argentina, USA and France, at the following place (you must copy and paste to your browser):

Les habia prometido que podian comprar mi libro. Publique la informacion demasiado temprano, y el sistema todavia no estaba listo. Ahora si, pueden ordenar mi libro: MY THREE LIVES: in Argentina, USA and France, en este lugar (tienes que copiar y pegar esta direccion en tu "browser"): 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Available Now!!!

MY THREE LIVES: in Argentina, USA and France. A 52 page sketchbook with paintings telling the story of my life in the three countries and cultures I have lived and am living. The book is now available through, ExLibris, and You can order it on paperback: ISBN: 978-1-4568-6288-6 or on hardback: ISBN: 978-1-4568-6289-3.
Un libro de 52 paginas, donde a traves de pinturas cuento la historia de mi vida en los tres paises y culturas donde he vivido y estoy viviendo ahora. El libro esta disponible a traves de, ExLibris, y Lo puedes ordenar en tapa blanda : ISBN: 978-1-4568-6288-6 o en tapa dura: ISBN: 978-1-4568-6289-3.