When I was studying art in Paris, there was a special Kandinsky exhibit at the Centre Pompidou. I spent hours studying Kandinsky. I bought the book: KANDINSKY, LE PEINTRE DE L'INVISIBLE (K., the painter of the invisible) by Olga Medvedkova. Some excerpts:
"The real object of art is the internal truth. Only the artist gifted with intuition is capable of seeing the Invisible. The artist is a prophet, a clairvoyant, a chamane, responsible of the relations of humanity with the kingdom of the spiritual."
Cuando yo estaba estudiando arte en Paris, hubo una exhibicion especial de Kandinsky en el Centro Pompidou. Me pase horas estudiando a Kandinsky. Compre el libro: KANDINSKY, EL PINTOR DE LO INVISIBLE, por Olga Medvedkova. Ella dice: "El verdadero objeto del arte es la verdad interior. Solo el/la artista dotado de intuicion es capaz de ver lo Invisible. El/la artista es un profeta, un clarividente, un chaman, responsable de las relaciones de la humanidad con el reino de lo espiritual."