Sunday, September 25, 2011

Imression: Sunset in Cauterets

Impression: Sunset in Cauterets, watercolor, 12x17 cm. This painting is not available.
Odilon Redon (1840-1916) produced a considerable amount of work in black and white, charcoal, and lithographs with fantastic visions. "I've made art my way" he's said. His son Jean was born in 1886, and died 6 months later. He worked only in black. Two and a half years later, his second son, Ari, was born. "Finally, everything is fine" he said, and started using color in his paintings.
Impression: Puesta de sol in Cauterets, acuarela, 12x17 cm. Esta pintura no esta disponible.
Odilon Redon (1840-1916) produjo una buena cantidad de trabajos en blanco y negro, carboncillo, y litografias con visiones fantasticas. "He hecho arte a mi modo" ha dicho. Su hijo Jean nacio en 1886, y murio 6 meses mas tarde. Redon trabajo solo en negro. Dos anos y medio mas tarde, su segundo hijo, Ari, nacio. "Finalmente, todo esta bien" dijo, y comenzo a usar color en su pintura.

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