Proud, pastel sec on suede board, 20x16" (50x40 cm.) -
The model for this pastel painting was a friend's husband. When a few weeks later the painting was sold, I told her: "I've just sold your husband." El modelo para esta pintura fue el esposo de una amiga. Cuando se vendio la pintura algunas semanas mas tarde, le dije a ella: "Acabo de vender a tu marido."
Last Spring when I was in Paris, two artists friends and I went to Trocadero gardens to paint for a few hours one day. After an hour of painting quietly, one young man approached me and asked me if I would paint the Eiffel Tower which was in front of us, with a portrait of his sister in the foreground, as if she was there. He wanted to send it to her as a present. He had a picture of his sister, smiling happily. I considered some "rules" of portraits (no smiling with teeth) and of commissions (pay half in advance) and decided to brake all the rules and do it anyway. I loved the challenge! He was pleased with the result, payed me, and I get to tell the story of how I sold a painting in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, in 2009.
La primavera pasada estaba yo en Paris, y un dia fuimos a pintar a los jardines de Trocadero con dos artistas pintoras amigas por algunas horas. Luego de pintar en silencio por un rato, un joven se me acerco y me pregunto si yo podria pintar la Torre Eiffel que estaba al frente nuestro, con un retrato de su hermana en primera plana, como si ella estuviera alli. El queria mandarselo como regalo. Tenia una foto de su hermana, sonriendo feliz. Yo considere algunas "reglas" de retratos (no sonriendo con dientes) y de comisiones (pagar la mitad por adelantado) y decidi romper con las reglas y hacerlo lo mismo. Me encantaba el desafio! El muchacho estuvo muy contento con el resultado, me pago, y yo puedo ahora contar la historia de como vendi una pintura al frente de la Torre Eiffel en el 2009.
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