Thalie, acrylic, 77x57 cm. ( ) and Therpsichore (previous Blog) were bought by the city of Cauterets, and are hanging at the City Hall in Cauterets, France. Thalie and Therpsichore are Muses of Drama and Music, the paintings were inspired by the beautiful buildings and statues around town, some of them over 100 years old.
Thalie, acrilico, y Therpsichore (ver el Blog anterior) fueron compradas por la ciudad de Cauterets, Francia, y cuelgan en la Municipalidad de dicha ciudad. Thalie y Therpsichore son Musas de Drama y Musica, las pinturas fueron inspiradas por los hermosos edificios y estatuas de la ciudad, algunas tienen mas de 100 anos.
¡¡¡Buenísimas todas!!1