Monday, August 8, 2011

Jardin de Luxembourg, Paris

Jardin de Luxembourg, Paris. watercolor, 4x6" (10x15 cm.) Painted with joy after meeting my California friend Jan and her husband, and chatting about old times.
Afterwards I visited some art exhibits at various places within the Jardin de Luxembourg. I was impressed by Anna Husemoller Jeretic's exhibit of paintings and engravings. She's interested in art and ecology. I bought a small book from her: "L'Appel" or "The Call". She writes beautifully, and her message both in her essay and her paintings touched me deeply.
Jardin de Luxembourg, Paris. acuarela. Pintada con alegria luego de encontrarme con mi amiga de California Jan y su esposo, y conversar de viejos tiempos.
Luego visite varias exposiciones en distintas galerias de los Jardines de Luxembourg. Me impresiono la exhibicion de pinturas y grabados de Anna Husemoller Jeretic. Ella trabaja en arte y ecologia. Le compre un librito: "L'Appel" o "El Llamado". Escribe hermoso, y su mensaje tanto en su ensayo como en sus pinturas me llego al alma.

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