Friday, May 20, 2011


Ribadeo, watercolor in my travel journal. We spent the night in a lovely hotel overlooking this view. I painted the watercolor from the hotel window. From here, we drove toward San Vicente de la Barquera, where we learned that nearby, going toward Santillana del Mar, were the famous Grutas de Altamira. And that's where we headed.
Ribadeo, acuarela en mi cuaderno de viajes. Aqui pasamos la noche en un hotel muy simpatico con esta vista. Pinte esta acuarela desde la ventana del hotel. Desde aqui fuimos a San Vicente de la Barquera, donde aprendi que cerca de alli, hacia Santillana del Mar, estaban las famosas Grutas de Altamira. Hacia alli partimos.


  1. Beautiful paintings! I am Tania, the girl from the library in Argelès-Gazost. I spent a good time seeing your blog, good job! =)
    All my congratulations and good continuation!

  2. Hi Tania, thanks for your comments. What a pleasure to hear from you!! What are you up to these days? I'm sure school is a breeze for you. Do keep in touch.
