Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Composite Landscape

Composite Landscape, watercolor, 21x29cm. I painted this watercolor sitting in the back of my friends Danielle and Herve's car, chatting with them, while we were driving from Cauterets to Pau, in the French Pyrenees, one day last week, most of the time in the rain. I added a tree here, and another tree from 2 km. later, whenever I saw something  I liked to add, that's why I call it a "composite landscape".
For Painters: two ways of keeping your acrylics light and bright: 1: add some Zinc White, which is more delicate than Titanium White. Zinc is a transparent pigment, and creates a more vibrant color. 2: apply a Titanium White underlayer to the color you want to use. It adds intensity to the color you apply over it.
Paisaje agregado, acuarela. Pinte esta acuarela sentada atras en el auto de mis amigos Danielle y Herve, charlando con ellos, mientras ibamos desde Cauterets a Pau, en los Pirineos franceses, un dia la semana pasada, la mayor parte del tiempo con lluvia. Yo agregaba un arbol aqui, y otro de dos km. mas tarde, cuando veia algo que me gustaba, por eso lo llamo: "paisaje agregado".
Para Pintores: dos maneras de mantener los colores de tus acrilicos luminosos y brillantes: 1: agregal Blanco de Zinc, que es mas delicado que el Blanco de Titanio. El zinc es un pigmento transparente, y crea colores mas vibrantes. 2: aplica una capa de Blanco de Titanio abajo del color que quieres usar. Blanco de Titanio agrega intensidad al color que apliques encima.

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