Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Camille Claudel

Camille Claudel, pencil portrait on paper, 6x6" (15x15cm.) Available, 120 Euros or $180 US.
I've recently read the biography of Camille Claudel by Anne Delbee, titled: "Une Femme" (in French: A Woman). The author tells us that C.C. run away from home for the first time at 11. Her mother did not like her and did not love her. Her mother always told Camille that she was influenced by the devil, with such  brilliant eyes, that could see what others couldn't. Camille Claudel, the most talented sculptress of the 20th Century, lived the last 30 years of her life in an asylum, forcefully sent in by her mother soon after her father's death. Her father always protected her.
Camille Claudel, retrato a lapiz sobre papel. Disponible. 
Acabo de leer la biografia de Camille Claudel por Anne Delbee, titulada: "Une Femme" (en frances: Una Mujer). La autora nos dice que C.C. se escapo de su casa por la primera vez a los 11 anos. Su madre nunca la quiso y nunca gusto de ella. Su madre siempre le dijo que Camille estaba influenciada por el diable, con esos ojos brillantes que podian ver lo que otros no podian. Camille Claudel, la escultora mas talentosa del siglo XX, vivio los ultimos 30 anos de su vida en un manicomio, encerrada a la fuerza por su madre, a poco de morir su padre, quien siempre la protegio.

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