Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sandpiper Nostalgia

Sandpiper Nostalgia, watercolor, 14x22" (35x55 cm.)

The book I'm recommending today is Michel's Pastoureau's BLUE, HISTOIRE D'UNE COULEUR. "L'espectre et l'ordre spectral des couleurs sont inconnus avant le XVIIe siecle. L'histoire de bleu pose un probleme historique:"
1. Pour le people de l'antiquite bleu compte peu.
2. Pour les Romains elle est desagreable.
3. Pois Moyen Age montee progressive et valorisation considerable a partir XIIe siecle.
4. Triumphe de bleu `a l'epoque contemporaine.

The spectrum and its colors were unknown before the XVIIth C. The history of blue states a historical problem:
1. For the people of antiquity blue didn't count for much.
2. For the Romans it was a definitely ugly color.
3. After the Middle Ages it progressively acquires more value, particularly after the XIIth C.
4. The triumph of blue in our times.

That's a short summary of a very interesting book. Michel Pastereau is a French specialist in medieval history, professor at the Sorbonne. He has published widely, including works on the history of animals, symbols, and other colors. It is available in English, too: BLUE: THE HISTORY OF A COLOR (Princeton, 2001)

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