Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Gates, watercolor, 5x7, (12x17 cm.) Another watercolor from my daily journal here in Boquete, Panama. "Gates", acuarela. Otra acuarela de mi diario de acuarelas aqui en Boquete, Panama.

Continuing with Turner, he used to surprise his observers particularly when he worked with watercolor. He would let color float on paper innundated with water, and work on several dessigns at the same time. He used to make backgrounds, give them a title, and save them for when he was ready to finish the painting. Continuando con Turner, el solia sorprender a sus observadores particularmente cuando trabajaba con acuarela. He dejaba flotar el color sobre el papel inundado con agua, y trabajaba en differentes disenos a la vez. El solia hacer fondos, les daba un titulo, y los guardaba para cuando estuviera inspirado para terminar la pintura.

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