Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Artists painters, follow me!

Artists painters, follow me!, watercolor, 25x20 cm. Inspired by Delacroix's "Liberte guidant le people", pick up your palette and brushes, and follow me on our voyage of adventure and discovery. "Adventure is the only way to steal time from death" said Paul Emile Victor, French explorer.
"Artistas pintores, sigan me!" acuarela. Inspirada por "La libertad guiando a la gente" de Delacroix, recojan sus paletas y pinceles, y siganme on nuestro viaje de aventura y descubrimiento. "La aventura es la sola manera de robarle tiempo a la muerte" dijo Paul Emile Victor, explorador frances.

"Writing a book or traveling allow you to escape from daily routine, and from the fear of death." said Graham Greene. Painting does that, too, I add. " I don't travel to get anywhere in particular. I just do it for the pleasure of it." said Robert Luis Stevenson. Traveling and painting have a lot in common: your soul expands with the initial planning, dreams and becomes passionate with the activity, and then you let go and the adventure begins. Enjoy!
"Escribir un libro o viajar te permite escapar a la rutina diaria, y al miedo a la muerte", dijo Graham Greene. Pintar tambien, digo yo. "Yo no viajo para llegar a ninguna parte en especial. Solo lo hago por el placer de ir." dijo Robert Luis Stevenson. Viajar y pintar tienen mucho en comun: tu alma se expande con el planeamiento inicial, suena y se apasiona con la actividad, y luego te dejas llevar y la aventura comienza. Disfruta!

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