Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Sketchbook Project : page 4

The Sketchbook Project: page 4, watercolor. As I had mentioned before, my theme for this project is: "Outside/Inside", and I have chosen to apply that to my three lives. This is page 4 of my first life: "Habia una vez...en Argentina".
El Proyecto Cuaderno de Arte: pagina 4, acuarela. Como lo he mencionado antes, mi tema para este proyecto es: "Afuera/Adentro", y yo he decidido aplicarlo a mis tres vidas. Esta es la pagina 4 de mi primera vida: "Habia una vez...en Argentina."

"Outside: My father and mother, my brother Freddy and me. This painting from old photographs tells of times of ease. Most were not, since my father changed jobs often. ..... Inside: My father was fun. He would tell stories 'in color', play with us, help us with homework, always in a good mood. He was knowledgeable and interesting to talk to. I admired him."
"Afuera: Mi padre y madre, mi hermano Freddy y yo. Esta pintura, basada en viejas fotografias cuenta de tiempos buenos. La mayoria no lo fueron, pues mi padre cambiaba de trabajo a menudo. ...... Adentro: Mi padre era divertido. Solia contarnos historias 'en colores', jugar con nosotros, ayudarnos con las tareas escolares, siempre de buen humor. Era culto e interesante para convesar. Yo lo admiraba."

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