Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Marina's Heroine

Marina's Heroine, pastel on Canson, 20x16" (50x40 cm.) When I asked my grandaughter Marina what would she like me to paint for her, anything she liked, she brought me a small picture of this Japanese character, a super-girl or wonder-girl, now very fashionable with female adolescents. So I painted her a larger version of the character, with pastels. Here it is!
Cuando le pregunte a mi nieta Marina que le gustaria que le pintara, cualquier cosa que a ella le gustara, me trajo un pequeno dibujo de este personaje de dibujos japoneses, una super-chica, o chica-maravilla, ahora muy de moda con adolescentes femeninos. Por lo tanto le pinte esta version mucho mas grande, con pastel. Aqui esta!

Charlemagne, king of the Franks, had a deep respect for education. He loved to read, but could not write. When he tried to learn to write, he realized it would have been easier if he had been younger, so he set up a system to teach every child in his kingdom to write. "Take care to make no difference between the sons of serfs and of freemen" warned the king. Everybody studied grammar, music and arithmetic. Free public education had been born, at the end of the 8th Century.
Carlomagno, el rey de los Francos, tenia un gran respeto por la educacion. Le encantaba leer, pero no sabia escribir. Cuando trato de aprender, descubrio que hubiera sido mas facil cuando era mas joven, asi que establecio un sistema para que todos los ninos de su reino aprendieran a escribir. "Asegurense de no hacer diferencia entre los hijos de los trabajadores y los de los nobles" aviso el rey. Todos estudiaban gramatica, musica y aritmetica. La educacion publica gratuita habia nacido, al final del siglo VIII.

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